Isa Tristan Sings 'Salve Regina' Surrounded by Home-Schooled Students and Their Parents
Isa Tristan Sings 'Salve Regina' Surrounded by Home-Schooled Students and Their Parents
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Views: 143
Uploaded: Nov 29 2023
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Join Isa Tristan for a heartfelt rendition of the 'Salve Regina' as she leads a gathering of approximately fifty home-schooled students and their parents in a moving musical experience. This performance provides a glimpse into the beauty of the Latin hymn 'Salve Regina' or 'Hail Holy Queen,' a cherished cornerstone of Traditional Catholic prayer and music.

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Views: 143
Uploaded: Nov 29 2023
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Videos: 14
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Join Isa Tristan for a heartfelt rendition of the 'Salve Regina' as she leads a gathering of approximately fifty home-schooled students and their parents in a moving musical experience. This performance provides a glimpse into the beauty of the Latin hymn 'Salve Regina' or 'Hail Holy Queen,' a cherished cornerstone of Traditional Catholic prayer and music.
